Benjamin Read's code garden.

How Were Using WordPress as a Headless CMS

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This article is about: wordpresscms

Published on Tuesday, 24 April 2018

I’m not a stranger to public speaking. But speaking on a technical subject? To people who are smarter than me? Not something I relish. Yet, I felt I had something to offer the WordPress community, so I volunteered to speak at one of the UK’s biggest WordPress meetups, WordCamp London.

UPDATE: Here’s the talk hosted on

Ever since starting my web development career I’ve wanted to be in the place where I could help other developers out with their development dilemmas. It’s taken me a long time to get to this stage, and it’s only because of some great help from the following people:

It’s thanks to them imparting their knowledge and expertise (and sometimes their time), as well as others, that I have anything that might be considered worthy of sharing.

The Talk #

My talk covered these main points:

  1. What is a headless (or decoupled) CMS
  2. Why use WordPress as a headless CMS
  3. Tools and process of building a headless site
  4. A basic example and some gotchas we found
  5. The Future is (probably) headless

You can find it on the conference website too.

The experience #

… was terrifying, to say the least! I rattled through it all in less than 30 mins (I had been given 35 minutes), but there were some really great comments & questions from the audience that I found fascinating. I’m currently planning a series of blog posts on some of the questions that were raised.”

Read more articles about: wordpresscms


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